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Cara Mudah Download File Torrent

Torrent file is a small metafile containing information about the file you wish to download. Most of the torrent file sizes are only a few kilobytes of the file that contains, information downloads and other info. With the existence of this torrent file, allowing us to download the actual file (which diinformasi in this torrent file), so the torrent file this file is not actually the file you wish to download. Torrent file donwload process took place in a peer to peer it means that parts of the downloaded files from various kinds of computers. In another sense, every computer connected to the internet and doing activities both download or upload the torrent at the same time, it is called by the peer. Each Peers usually do not have the complete file, but only provides the parts of the file.So basically a file in the torrent split broke out in a small size and scattered nature of the internet so that we can not directly download files provided on the download link torrent. The following will explain how we simply have to download the torrent file.
  1. copy link location of torrent file on the web
  2. open torrent2exe.com website
  3. paste the torrent link on the boxes "Enter The Url Of The Torrent File" then simply click "Download"
  4. Run the downloaded *.exe file and...... "triing **" the original files are downloaded
In order for us not recorded as a leecher, at the end of our downloads are advised to split the files which we downloaded on our download large files or the time we spend to download the file. Follow this advice and you certainly can download another torrent files smoothly.

Happy Torrent Hunt!!!

Read More.. Made's Blog: 03/2010