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Choosing a sunscreen containing Sun Protection Formula For The Children

Excessive sun exposure can adversely affect the skin. Blazing sunlight triggers premature aging, can even cause skin cancer.
Not only adults who need protective skin. Children also need skin protection. Many sunscreens on the market, however, how to choose the best sunscreen for kids?

Choosing a sunscreen containing Sun Protection Formula (SPF) is very important, including for children. American Melanoma Foundation, explained that the standard SPF ranging from as low as 2 to the highest 50. A higher SPF value assessed better. Unfortunately, these figures only indicate protection against UVB aka ultraviolet B. But it does not protect the skin against UVA, or ultraviolet A.

Sunlight contains radiation which causes premature aging and often associated as a cause of skin cancer. We recommend that you select products that protect against both types of radiation with a broad spectrum.
To protect your child from the dangers of skin radiation exposure, parents should be selective in choosing the right sunscreen for kids. Make sure the products used contain SPF that in accordance with the standards. Here are the rules to keep in mind when applying sunscreen to children as quoted from page Shine:
Apply sunscreen 15 minutes before activity
If happy little activity outside the home, make sure the 15 minutes before going out, they were protected by sunscreen.
If the small lot of sweat, you should first dry with paper towels and apply sunscreen repeatedly, either after a bath or when the body is spending a lot of sweat. Dermatology Specialist Carol A. Rice, Ph.D., R.N. stated repeatedly apply sunscreen when your child was visiting the beach, at least every two hours.
Avoid sunscreen in the form of oil and gel
Lotions and creams are the best form because it contains a sunscreen SPF level that meet the standards. And sunscreen is usually in the form of oil and gel contain a lower SPF. Sunscreen in the form of gel may have a desired SPF level is higher, but need to be reapplied more frequently, 30-60 minutes once instead of lotion.
Choose a sunscreen 'waterproof'
Waterproof sunscreen can maintain the level of SPF even after 40 minutes applied to the skin that has been exposed to water. Ideally, sunscreen should be able to maintain its contents at least SPF for 80 minutes.

Keep in mind, take the kids to play in the shade, at noon. And protect your baby's head with a broad-brimmed hat. In addition to protecting them from exposure to sunlight, a hat, with a unique design can also create a more stylish appearance

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