Constipation or difficult bowel movements is a digestive disorder that is quite popular. Abdominal bloating, feel begah, nausea and discomfort that accompanies this problem often inhibit the activity. Do not underestimate this problem.
"It's hard bowel movement should not be taken lightly. Although the cause is multifactorial, can lead to colon cancer, "said Dr. Ari Fahrial Sham, SpPD KGEH from the Department of Gastroenterology Department of Medicine Faculty of medicine, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM).
Even so, it took decades to develop constipation become a dangerous disease in the body.
According to Dr. Ari, in Indonesia today, many young people have bowel cancer. The cause is not genetic factors, but a bad lifestyle and environmental influences.
"Consumption of fiber is very low, less activity, and more berpengawet food consumption and contain additives. This is what causes constipation, "Chairman of the Working Group of the Society of Gastroenterology Probiotics Indonesia, dr Djagat Herry Purnomo, SpPD-KGEH, added.
2397 data of patients who underwent colonoscopy at the RSCM in 1998-2005 showed that nine percent of them have a constipation problem. Research Dr Dr.Saptawati Bardosono of Nutrition Section, University of Indonesia Faculty of Medicine, also found that, of 271 female workers in Jakarta, 47 percent suffer from constipation.
Constipation can not be underestimated. Data on the RSCM states that of all patients with constipation, 36.4 percent of whom suffer from piles or hemorrhoids. While eight percent of them suffering from a malignant tumor or cancer of the colon.
According to Dr. Herrera, there are several ways to prevent and treat constipation problems. In addition to the consumption of fiber, also reproduce the physical activity, drink water at least two liters per day on a regular basis, and diligent eating foods containing probiotics such as yogurt.
Probiotics are living organisms which, if used in appropriate amounts to give a good effect on the health of both living organisms in the body. Probiotic function is mixed. There is help absorb nutrients, producing vitamins and digestive system, probiotics help fight bad bacteria growth and involved in gut ecosystems.
"Not only does it treat constipation problems, probiotics can be consumed every day because of good for intestinal health and absorption of food. Eat regularly, can be used as a first step for people to have a healthy life, "said Dr. Ari.
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